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Eudialyte and Bastnäsite Samples

Detailed Description

Sample of eudialyte (pink) within layered vein consisting of quartz, albite, and sodic amphibole, Dora Bay, Alaska. Size of sample is 11 by 9 cm. Sample of coarse-grained, tabular bastnäsite within matrix of ferruginous dolomite, Birthday Claim, Mountain Pass, California. Photographs by Philip Verplanck, U.S. Geological Survey. SIR 2010-5070-J


Public Domain.

USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5070-J
Photo was used on the cover of USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5070-J A Deposit Model for Carbonatite and Peralkaline Intrusion-Related Rare Earth Element Deposits.

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