Finances of Successful Powell Proposals
Detailed Description
Finances of Successful Proposals
Travel for Working Group: How much? As much as it takes Does this money come to me? no For how long? about 2 years
Funding for Fellow: How much? $100,000 (includes all indirect costs) Does this money come to me? CESU agreements transfer money to universities; money can also be used as salary for USGS For how long? $100K is for life of Working Group
IT Support: How much? Does this money come to me? For how long? Please see Data Resources.NO - you never see this money
Life of the Working
Page Charges: How much? $1800 Does this money come to me? No - we pay the charges directly
Salary: How much? None, unless you are a USGS WSC Does this money come to me? Salary for WSC participant on site in Fort Collins gets a account code For how long? When the particpant is on site at the Powell Center
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