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GeoTek Point Sensor, 2019

Detailed Description

The GeoTek facility houses two state-of-the-art GeoTek Multi-Sensor Core Loggers (MSCL-S and MSCL-XZ). These loggers collect automated, non-destructive geophysical and geochemical measurements on soft sediment and rock cores as well as discrete subsamples. The GeoTek MSCL-S has a horizontal track with a motorized pusher to guide whole, unsplit sediment cores through multiple sensors which collect data simultaneously. The GeoTek MSCL-S is also capable of collecting high-resolution line-scan images for sample analysis and archival. The GeoTek MSCL-XZ has a motorized arm consisting of multiple point sensing instruments that traverse split sediment cores and sample mounts. The GeoTek facility is available to USGS and non-USGS researchers. For more information, please contact Jessica Rodysill at


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