October 2016 Hurricane Matthew Flood Event Viewer
By Water Resources Mission Area
2016 (approx.)
Detailed Description
October 2016 Hurricane Matthew Flood Event Viewer
Public Domain.
USGS Flood Event Viewer: Providing Hurricane and Flood Response Data
During large, short-term floods, the USGS collects additional data to help document these high-water events. This data is uploaded to the USGS Short-Term Network (STN) for long-term archival, and served out to the public through the USGS Flood Event Viewer (FEV) which provides convenient, map-based access to storm-surge and other event-based data.
Hurricane Matthew: Flood Resources and Tools
During and after Hurricane Matthew, the USGS made flood-flow measurements, maintained streamgages, deployed over 390 instruments, and developed geospatial products to measure and communicate the extent of coastal and inland flooding.
USGS Flood Event Viewer: Providing Hurricane and Flood Response Data
During large, short-term floods, the USGS collects additional data to help document these high-water events. This data is uploaded to the USGS Short-Term Network (STN) for long-term archival, and served out to the public through the USGS Flood Event Viewer (FEV) which provides convenient, map-based access to storm-surge and other event-based data.
Hurricane Matthew: Flood Resources and Tools
During and after Hurricane Matthew, the USGS made flood-flow measurements, maintained streamgages, deployed over 390 instruments, and developed geospatial products to measure and communicate the extent of coastal and inland flooding.