Red Fox,Vulpes vulpes,
Detailed Description
Red Fox,Vulpes vulpes, reflection in river.
Public Domain.
Modeling the Distribution and Relative Abundance of Mammalian Predators in the Prairie Pothole Region of Minnesota
Mammalian predation is a major factor influencing waterfowl productivity in the Prairie Pothole Region. Rates of predation of waterfowl nests differ by predator species, so understanding landscape or spatial patterns in predator density are desired by many natural resource managers. Spatial predictions for the occurrence and relative abundance of predators would allow natural resource managers to...
Modeling the Distribution and Relative Abundance of Mammalian Predators in the Prairie Pothole Region of Minnesota
Mammalian predation is a major factor influencing waterfowl productivity in the Prairie Pothole Region. Rates of predation of waterfowl nests differ by predator species, so understanding landscape or spatial patterns in predator density are desired by many natural resource managers. Spatial predictions for the occurrence and relative abundance of predators would allow natural resource managers to...