ROV and Mona Rift dive site
Detailed Description
(Top): Map of dives labeled and shown in red and orange located near the Mona Rift, northwest of Puerto Rico. Contours show depths in meters at 500 m intervals. Square indicates location of dive. Bathymetry from Andrews et al. Yellow curve denotes landslide tsunami source of Lopéz-Venegas et al. Large and small white stars denote proposed epicenter of the October 10, 1918, M 7.2 earthquake and aftershocks (International Seismological Center Global Earthquake Model [ISC-GEMS] catalog). Inset: General map of the Northeastern Caribbean showing Haiti, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico. (Bottom left) Photo of the front of ROV Hercules. The red rectangle indicates the location of the video camera on the ROV. The red oval indicates the location of the ROV arm, used to grab rock samples and push sediment cores. Color reference marks on the arm are used to color balance the video, but note the proximity of the marks to the camera. Image Credit: Mark Deroche, Ocean Exploration Trust. Image was cropped from the original to focus on the ROV. (Bottom right) Photo of the front of the ROV Deep Discoverer. The red rectangle shows the location of the video camera. Image Credit: Art Howard, GFOE-Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration, Windows of the Deep 2018. Image has been cropped from the original to focus on the ROV.
Public Domain.
Cite Flores, C.H.; ten Brink, U.S. Photogrammetry of the Deep Seafloor from Archived Unmanned Submersible Exploration Dives. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2024, 12, 1250.