Sand dune along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
Detailed Description
Windblown (aeolian) sand dune along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon that formed from sand deposited in a river sandbar by a controlled flood in 2008.
Connectivity of Sand Resources Along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
We study the links among different geomorphic processes that affect river valley landscapes in the Colorado River downstream from Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona. Dam-released flows affect the deposition and retention of sandbars that serve as sources for other sand resources, such as windblown sand dunes, throughout the Colorado River ecosystem.
Connectivity of Sand Resources Along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
We study the links among different geomorphic processes that affect river valley landscapes in the Colorado River downstream from Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona. Dam-released flows affect the deposition and retention of sandbars that serve as sources for other sand resources, such as windblown sand dunes, throughout the Colorado River ecosystem.