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USGS June Public Lecture Flyer

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2019 June Public Lecture Flyer

USGS Fire Science: Understanding why wildlands burn and what can be done about it 

By Paul Steblein, USGS Wildland Fire Science Coordinator

  • Wildfires are expensive, dangerous, and have massive impacts on people and ecosystems, yet ecosystems evolve with wildland fire.
  • USGS fire scientists help understand what factors affect wildland fire occurrence, intensity, spread, and effects.
  • What can be done to reduce the damaging effects of wildfires and increase the beneficial aspects of wildland fire - USGS works with fire and land managers to identify cost effective options.

June 27th, 2019 at 7:00 PM (PDT) 

345 Middlefield Road, Bldg. 3, Rambo Auditorium

Menlo Park, CA 



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