Webcam image of two hydrologic technicians at streamgage 04015330 Knife River Near Two Harbors, Minnesota
Detailed Description
USGS Upper Midwest Water Science Center staff, Supervisory Hydrologic Technician Russ Buesing and Hydrologic Technician Josh Larson pose for the streamgage webcam while making an under-ice discharge measurement at the Knife River near Two Harbors, MN.
During winter webcam images are useful for determining the effect of ice on streamflow discharge computations, whether ice conditions are safe for measurements like this one, and whether ice-jams are occurring that could cause localized flooding. The webcam is part of the USGS Hydrologic Imagery Visualization and Information System (HIVIS), which is a growing database of webcams providing up-to-date visual information about stream conditions around the United States.
View more images from this HIVIS webcam here:
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