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Digitize an Analog Map With GeMS, Part B3

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Digitize an Analog Map With GeMS, Part B3 - How to complete nonspatial tables, validate a GeMS database, and symbolize features.

The Geologic Map Schema (GeMS) defines a standard database schema — a database design — for digital publication of geologic maps. This tutorial is one of six originally presented as part of a short course at the 2021 Northeastern Section Meeting of the Geological Society of America by Ralph Haugerud, USGS, on how to use ArcMap and custom tools to create GeMS-compliant ArcGIS file geodatabases.

GeMS Trainings

  1. Getting Started With GeMS, Part A
  2. Digitizing an Analog Map With GeMS, Part B1
  3. Digitizing an Analog Map With GeMS, Part B2
  4. Digitizing an Analog Map With GeMS, Part B3
  5. Translating a Digital Map With GeMS, Part C1
  6. Translating a Digital Map With GeMS, Part C2




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