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Lesson 10g1 – Importing and Visualizing Elevation Data Using GRASS GIS

Video Transcript
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Detailed Description

This lesson will show how to run GRASS GIS and utilize GRASS’s unique user interface to import and visualize elevation data. By the end of this lesson, you will know how to initialize GRASS on your machine, understand the history of GRASS uses and capabilities, execute commands and import data into GRASS using the command console and module library, and apply various data visualization techniques to raster data.


4:46 – Open GRASS GIS

5:16 – Set up the database directory and location

10:15 – Create a new mapset

11:36 – Use the Layer Manager and Map Display Window

12:31 – Understanding GRASS modules

13:53 – Import raster data module

17:05 – Set the computation region

18:37 – Change the raster symbology

19:57 – View data in 3D

21:21 – Open multiple map displays and raster files

25:46 – Use the Console tab to verify metadata and environments

28:34 – Generate a shaded relief mapset




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