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Hydrography Seminar Series, Seminar 3 (Main) - July, 2015

Putting the NHD to work in the State of Washington

Thursday, July 30, 2015 - 2:00 PM Eastern - One Hour, One Main Presentation & Two Lightning Talks

Anita Stohr - Washington State NHD Hydrography Data Steward - Washington Department of Ecology

Abstract – Washington State adopted the NHD as its standard hydrography dataset in January 2011. Since that time the state has focused on associating the highest priority water resources, human health, and fisheries datasets to the NHD, correcting the largest errors in the line work, and providing access to a variety of users. Washington regularly releases a version of NHD in state plane coordinates that contains stream order as an attribute on the NHDFlowline feature class. This webinar will touch on three areas: 1) Water Rights Diversions - Our process is to site 35,000 surface water diversions as event points on the NHD, selection of the largest diversions for upload to The National Map, and integration with our Water Resources Explorer Web Map Application. 2) Fish Distribution - The SalmonScape application displays species types mapped to the NHD by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission. An example of riparian buffer requirements using Fish Distribution along with NHD periodicity and stream type will be shown. 3) Strahler Stream Order - A demonstration of our work, which is coordinated with Oregon, to produce stream order on the high resolution NHD. This data is submitted to USGS for inclusion as an attribute to the NHDFLowlineVAA table.

Biography – Anita Stohr is the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Steward for Washington State. She works in the Geospatial and Environmental Systems Support Unit within the Washington Department of Ecology and coordinates NHD use and improvements on all state and private lands. Prior to her role as the state steward, she worked as a senior hydrologist performing water quality and quantity modeling.


NHD Session 3 Video Intro Screenshot
NHD Seminar Session 3 Video(Public domain.)
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