The sheer number of scientific publications related to greater sage-grouse research can be a challenge for managers to navigate when updating plans for managing greater sage-grouse and sagebrush ecosystems. To assist in this process, the USGS reviewed and summarized scientific literature published since January 1, 2015.
The compiled list of 169 published products commonly includes topics about greater sage-grouse behavior, demographics, habitat selection, or habitat characteristics at broad or site scales. A substantial body of literature has been based on research explicitly related to the conservation, management, monitoring, and assessment of greater sage-grouse. The online version of this bibliography is searchable by topic and location, and includes links to the original publications. These studies may inform planning and management actions that seek to balance conservation, economic, and social objectives and manage diverse resource uses and values across the western United States.
Carter, S.K., Manier, D.J., Arkle, R.S., Johnston, A.N., Phillips, S.L., Hanser, S.E., and Bowen, Z.H., 2018, Annotated bibliography of scientific research on greater sage-grouse published since January 2015: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2018-1008, p. 183,
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