Aaron Johnston, Ph.D.
Aaron Johnston studies extinction dynamics and microrefugia of the American pika as a Mendenhall Fellow with Erik Beever. He is also an Affiliate Assistant Professor in the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences at the University of Washington.
Research Interest
Aaron is broadly interested in wildlife research that advances ecological theories and management of natural resources. His previous studies have involved a wide range of taxa in terrestrial and aquatic systems for investigations on rare species, invasive species, interspecific competition, forest management, and grazing effects on wildlife. Aaron is especially excited about innovative approaches to wildlife research facilitated by new remote-sensing technologies that describe habitat features across landscapes at high spatiotemporal resolutions. His recent studies on tree squirrels, red tree voles, and pikas have explored novel applications of airborne LiDAR that improved habitat modeling and hypothesis testing for these species. His current study involves developing new models for microtopography, microclimate, phenology, and snowpack dynamics from land-, air-, and space-based sensors to advance understanding of pika distributions and responses to climate change.
Education and Certifications
Ph.D. 2013. Wildlife Science, University of Washington
M.S. 2006. Wildlife Science, Oregon State University
B.S. 2000. Wildlife Ecology, Texas A&M University
Science and Products
USGS research on the effects of renewable energy on wildlife
Developing structured science syntheses for use in NEPA analyses and decision making in the Bureau of Land Management
Annotated Bibliography of Scientific Research on Greater Sage-Grouse
Alpine Wildlife and Snowpack Dynamics in the North Cascades
Extinction dynamics and microrefugia of the American pika as climate changes.
Age ratios and landscape change covariates for mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) herd units in Wyoming, USA, 1985-2019
Seasonal movements of mule deer and pronghorn in Wyoming, 2014-2021
Pronghorn Migration and Resource Selection Near Wind Energy Facilities in Wyoming, 2010-2012 and 2018-2020
Fractional cover estimates of sweet clover derived from UAV, aerial, and Sentinel-2 imagery for central Montana and northwest South Dakota, 2019
Seasonal Resource Selection by Pronghorn near Wind Energy Facilities in Wyoming, 2010-2012 and 2018-2020
Remotely sensed elk locations on the National Elk Refuge, Wyoming, 2017-2019
Hoary Marmot Abundance in North Cascades National Park 2007-2008 and 2016-2017
Counts of American Pikas and Hoary Marmots in North Cascades National Park 2016-2017
Structured science syntheses to inform decision making on Federal public lands
Effects of culverts on habitat connectivity in streams—A science synthesis to inform National Environmental Policy Act analyses
Effects of noise from oil and gas development on ungulates and small mammals—A science synthesis to inform National Environmental Policy Act analyses
Hidden Markov movement models reveal diverse seasonal movement patterns in two North American ungulates
Beyond presence mapping: Predicting fractional cover of non-native vegetation in Sentinel-2 imagery using an ensemble of MaxEnt models
Wind-energy development alters pronghorn migration at multiple scales
Eyes on the herd: Quantifying ungulate density from satellite, unmanned aerial systems, and GPScollar data
Foreword to the special Issue on ‘The rapidly expanding role of drones as a tool for wildlife research’
Variable effects of wind-energy development on seasonal habitat selection of pronghorn
U.S. Geological Survey science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2018 annual report
Human activities and weather drive contact rates of wintering elk
Freezing in a warming climate: Marked declines of a subnivean hibernator after a snow drought
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Science and Products
USGS research on the effects of renewable energy on wildlife
Developing structured science syntheses for use in NEPA analyses and decision making in the Bureau of Land Management
Annotated Bibliography of Scientific Research on Greater Sage-Grouse
Alpine Wildlife and Snowpack Dynamics in the North Cascades
Extinction dynamics and microrefugia of the American pika as climate changes.
Age ratios and landscape change covariates for mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) herd units in Wyoming, USA, 1985-2019
Seasonal movements of mule deer and pronghorn in Wyoming, 2014-2021
Pronghorn Migration and Resource Selection Near Wind Energy Facilities in Wyoming, 2010-2012 and 2018-2020
Fractional cover estimates of sweet clover derived from UAV, aerial, and Sentinel-2 imagery for central Montana and northwest South Dakota, 2019
Seasonal Resource Selection by Pronghorn near Wind Energy Facilities in Wyoming, 2010-2012 and 2018-2020
Remotely sensed elk locations on the National Elk Refuge, Wyoming, 2017-2019
Hoary Marmot Abundance in North Cascades National Park 2007-2008 and 2016-2017
Counts of American Pikas and Hoary Marmots in North Cascades National Park 2016-2017
Structured science syntheses to inform decision making on Federal public lands
Effects of culverts on habitat connectivity in streams—A science synthesis to inform National Environmental Policy Act analyses
Effects of noise from oil and gas development on ungulates and small mammals—A science synthesis to inform National Environmental Policy Act analyses
Hidden Markov movement models reveal diverse seasonal movement patterns in two North American ungulates
Beyond presence mapping: Predicting fractional cover of non-native vegetation in Sentinel-2 imagery using an ensemble of MaxEnt models
Wind-energy development alters pronghorn migration at multiple scales
Eyes on the herd: Quantifying ungulate density from satellite, unmanned aerial systems, and GPScollar data
Foreword to the special Issue on ‘The rapidly expanding role of drones as a tool for wildlife research’
Variable effects of wind-energy development on seasonal habitat selection of pronghorn
U.S. Geological Survey science for the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative—2018 annual report
Human activities and weather drive contact rates of wintering elk
Freezing in a warming climate: Marked declines of a subnivean hibernator after a snow drought
Non-USGS Publications**
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.