BBL Employee Spotlight: Craig “Tut” Tuthill
The BBL’s supply technician is recognized for 30 years of federal service
Craig “Tut” Tuthill was recently recognized for 30 years of federal service with the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center’s (PWRC) Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL). Mr. Tuthill came to the Bird Banding Laboratory after receiving a Bachelor of Science in government and politics, with a minor in criminology and criminal justice from Maryland University College. Over the years “Tut” has filled many roles and responsibilities, including processing band encounter reports and mapping hunter encounter data, until becoming the BBL’s band supply technician. As BBL’s band supply technician, “Tut” is responsible for managing everything related to bird bands, supplying bands to the banding community, and maintaining the BBL band inventory. The BBL’s small staff of about a dozen individuals, continues to rely on Mr. Tuthill’s expertise and hard work and looks forward to many more years of his service to the banding community.
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