BBL- University of Baltimore collaboration: survey results
Over 5,000 people provided feedback about as part of an online survey conducted by the University of Baltimore.
Jaime Dalbke is helping the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center’s Bird Banding Lab with a redesign of as part of her Master’s thesis, applying cutting edge tools and theory she’s studying in the Interaction Design and Information Architecture program at the University of Baltimore. This spring she conducted a large-scale survey of recent visitors to and permitted bird banders to better understand how users are interacting with the current site. Those 5,000 responses provide a wealth of information to consider as part of the redesign. We suspected that some people were using while they were in the field, but we were surprised how many hunters were interested in using mobile devices to report bands immediately upon recovery. See Jaime’s presentation for summarized survey results and highlights.
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