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CERC’s Research Supporting Conservation of Endangered Mussels Featured in the Columbia Missourian

CERC scientist James Kunz is featured in the Columbia Missourian on USGS research related to endangered mussels.

Fatmucket mussels
Fatmucket mussels

CERC’s Toxicology Branch has a long history of working with federal, state, and tribal partners on research related to the effects of contaminants and other stressors on freshwater mussels, one of the most endangered species in North America. The unique laboratory facilities at CERC allow scientists to conduct laboratory and field studies across the life cycle of mussels providing federal, state, and tribal natural resource managers better information to protect endangered mussel species.

Scientists Hope to Bring Endangered Freshwater Mussels Back From the Brink” published in the Columbia Missourian on January 3, 2021.


Learn more about CERC's Toxicology Branch mussel research.

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