Employee Spotlight: Jennifer Malpass, Ph.D., AWB, DCA
Jenn Malpass, Biologist at the Bird Banding Lab Travels the Eastern US to Present Updates to Partners.
Jenn Malpass, Ph.D., a biologist at the Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL) at USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center (PWRC), presented updates from the BBL at the Atlantic Flyway summer meeting in Plymouth, MA; the annual meeting of The Wildlife Society (TWS) in Cleveland, OH; and the annual meeting of the Inland Bird Banding Association (IBBA) in St. Louis, MO. These updates include the BBL’s plans to modify how data are submitted by banders and members of the public who report banded birds. Also, the BBL is modernizing operations, including migrating its database to a new platform. Click here to see Jenn’s poster for the TWS and IBBA meetings. Participating at meetings like these strengthens the BBL’s working relationship with external partners, by informing and engaging partners about upcoming changes.
Jenn has been a biologist at the BBL since January 2017. She is passionate about connecting people to nature to promote wildlife conservation. In addition to serving as the point of contact for external organizations such as those with Flyways, University of Baltimore, and several non-profit organizations, Jenn’s primary duties also include encounter data management. For more about Jenn visit her profile.
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