In a chapter of The Encyclopedia of World’s Biomes titled “North American Sagebrush Steppe and Shrubland,” USGS Research Fire Ecologist Doug Shinneman documents the unique characteristics of the sagebrush biome.
The chapter focuses on the extent of the sagebrush biome, its dominant vegetation communities, and the animal species of conservation concern that inhabit this area. Shinneman notes the reasons for the roughly 45% loss of the historical area of sagebrush steppe/shrublands and addresses how climate change will impact these ecosystems. Lastly, the chapter explores how scientific research that informs conservation efforts could help restore and protect sagebrush habitat from detrimental land uses and wildfire. The encyclopedia has been published online in the reference collection of Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences.
Shinneman, D.J., 2019, North American Sagebrush Steppe and Shrubland: Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences,
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