ESC Seminar: HayWired Scenario Progress Discussion
SAFRR and HayWired project partners presented a progress update on the HayWired Scenario for the Earthquake Science Center (ESC) seminar in Menlo Park on June 3rd. The HayWired Scenario aims to identify impacts associated with a M7.0 earthquake on the Hayward fault in the San Francisco Bay area, and HayWired team efforts include investigations into vulnerabilities of buildings and communities and highlighting impacts of aftershock sequences in addition to the main earthquake. At the ESC seminar, SAFRR's Lucy Jones provided an intro and overview of HayWired, Keith Porter (U. of Colorado) highlighted hazards to buildings and code objectives, and Anne Wein (Western Geographic Science Center) presented aftershock sequences and communities at risk. Discussion focused on opportunities for ESC involvement in and use of the scenario toward the ongoing goals of improving USGS research and communication products.
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