GLSC Participates in the Great Lakes Areas of Concern Conference
This annual conference focuses on specific areas of concern (AOC).
Multiple GLSC staff presented at the Great Lakes Areas of Concern (AOC) conference in Cleveland, Ohio, September 11-12, 2019. The annual meeting of the AOC community provides the opportunity to discuss work implemented throughout AOCs and to connect with a wide variety of partners to continue making progress toward delisting. Research fish biologist, Dr. Ed Roseman (GLSC, Ann Arbor, Michigan), delivered an invited plenary address, and six posters were presented by GLSC staff.
- Robin DeBruyne, Edward F. Roseman, James Boase, Justin A. Chiotti, Richard Drouin, Roger L. Knight, Taaja Tucker, and Todd Wills. Developing a science and monitoring strategy to guide recovery of fisheries habitats and populations in the St. Clair-Detroit River System. Poster presentation.
- Samantha Jurecki, Meredith Nevers, Muruleedhara Byappanahalli, Leslie Dorworth, Aaron W. Aunins, and Scott T. Bates. Use of eDNA for assessing native and invasive fish community response to restoration in the Grand Calumet River Area of Concern. Poster presentation.
- Joshua Miller, Christine Joseph, and Jeff Schaeffer. Why restoration is so challenging: lessons from the Maumee River. Poster presentation.
- Joshua Miller, Jeff Schaeffer, Jenny Carter-Cornell, Melanie Coulter, Kris Patterson, and Cherie Blair. Strategies for collaborative, science-based decision making in the Maumee AOC. Poster presentation.
- Meredith B. Nevers, Muruleedhara N. Byappanahalli, P. Ryan Jackson, Travis Cole, and Paul Buszka. Multiple lines of investigation to identify sources of contamination and reduce bacteria contamination and beach closings at the Grand Calumet River Area of Concern. Poster presentation.
- Edward F. Roseman, Robin DeBruyne, Jason Fisher, Audrey Baetz, Alex Gatch, and Tomas Hook. Restoration and maintenance of spawning reefs. Plenary address.
- Jeff Schaeffer, Joshua Miller, James McKenna, Michael Slattery, and Cherie Blair. Beneficial use impairment removal in the Maumee Area of Concern: letting the fish tell us what to do. Poster presentation.
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