GLSC presents at the Michigan Fish and Wildlife Conference
This meeting is part of the American Fisheries Society particularly interested in maintaining high standards for the fisheries profession and ensuring conservation of Michigan’s aquatic resources.
USGS Great Lake Science Center researchers, contractors, and students presented at the 2019 Michigan Fish and Wildlife Conference in Gaylord, Michigan from March 13-15, 2019. GLSC authors are noted in bold.
- Altus, S., J. Beaubien, J.L. Fischer, R. DeBruyne, R. Ellison, H. Harrington, and E.F. Roseman. 2019. Rouge River Concrete Channel Pre-Restoration Fishery and Macroinvertebrate Assessment. Poster presentation.
- Bourgeois, C., C. Lloyd, C. Evans, R. DeBruyne, A. Briggs, J.M. Hessenauer, T. Wills, and E. Roseman. 2019. Larval Yellow Perch Phenology and Distribution in Lake St. Clair. Poster presentation.
- Dana C.K., E. Roseman, T. Claramunt, and T. Galarowicz. 2019. Fishing for Answers: Restoration in the St. Clair-Detroit River System Improves Angling Opportunities. Oral presentation.
- DeBruyne, R.L., Z.J. Amidon, E.F. Roseman, and C.M. Mayer. 2019. Contemporary Assessment of Lake Whitefish Spawning Distribution and Early-life Recruitment in Western Basin Lake Erie. Oral presentation.
- Fischer, J.L., E. Roseman, C. Mayer, and T. Wills. 2019. If you build it and they come, will they stay? Oral presentation.
- Gostiaux, J., E.F. Roseman, R.L. DeBruyne, J.L. Fischer, A. Moerke, K. Kapuscinski, C. Olds, F. Vandrunen, K. Genther, and E. Binkowski. 2019. Phenology and Magnitude of Larval Fish Drift and Production Near the St. Marys River Rapids, MI. Oral presentation.
- Jackson S.A., J.L. Fischer, S. Ireland, S. Provo, and E.F. Roseman. 2019. Cheese Vs. Worms: A Comparison of Minnow Trap Bait Types Used for Assessing Nearshore Fish Communities. Poster presentation.
- Lepper, J.C., T.R. Tucker, E.F. Roseman, S.C. Riley, T.P. O’Brien, D.W. Hondorp, D.A. Bowser, and S.A. Jackson. 2019. Reevaluation of Wild Juvenile Lake Trout Diets in Lake Huron (2008-2017). Oral presentation.
- Roseman, E.F., K. Kapuscinski, J. Boase, R. Drouin, D. Gorsky, J. Jock, J. Farrell, and S. Schlueter. 2019. Great Lakes Connecting Channels: Status, Challenges, and Opportunities. Invited oral presentation.
- Tucker, T.R., K. Keeler, E. Roseman, D. Jones, and S. Jackson. 2019. Laboratory Evaluation of Larval and Juvenile Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) Oxygen Consumption. Poster presentation.
- Vandrunen, F., J. Gostiaux, E.F. Roseman, R.L. DeBruyne, J.L. Fischer, A. Moerke, K. Kapuscinski, C. Olds, K. Genther, and E. Binkowski. 2019. First Evidence of Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) Spawning in the St. Marys River, MI. Poster presentation.
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