Kurt Kowalski Invited to Participate in Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta Stewardship Council Meeting
Great Lakes Phragmites programs served as a case study for the Delta Stewardship Council
Kurt Kowalski (GLSC, Ann Arbor, Michigan) was invited to give a presentation and sit on a moderated panel as part of an Adaptive Management Forum hosted by the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta Stewardship Council. The interactive forum was held on the University of California, Davis campus February 5-6, 2019, and consisted of talks, panels, and breakout sessions to stimulate discussions around ecosystem restoration and adaptive management support in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. Over 140 participants were registered and represented interests from federal, state, county, non-profit, academic, business, and private entities. Dr. Kowalski provided an overview of the GLRI-funded Great Lakes Phragmites Collaborative, highlighted the operation and successes of the Phragmites Adaptive Management Framework, and engaged in discussions about needs in the Delta system.
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