LANDFIRE Remap Begins to Roll Out
With a vegetation and fuels base map that was over 15 years old and a commitment to keep LANDFIRE (LF) data relevant, LF staff at EROS has produced a new base map product suite, representing 2016 ground conditions.
LF staff at EROS has produced a new base map product suite, representing 2016 ground conditions. Called LF Remap, the first of 10 increments—this one covering the northwestern U.S.— has just been released, with the other nine increments to follow throughout 2019 and 2020.
LF Remap is designed to produce vegetation and fuels data that inform wildland fire and ecological decision support systems. LF Remap will offer significant enhancements to previous LF versions. The first base map (LF National) product suite was developed using Landsat data circa 2001.
The LF team at the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center has used new Landsat imagery, field observations, and processing techniques to produce new vegetation and fuels base layers for the LF Remap product suite, representing landscape conditions circa 2016. New LF Remap products include Historical Disturbance, National Vegetation Classification, as well as Fuel Vegetation Type, Height, and Cover. The next release of LF Remap will cover southwestern U.S. with delivery of the remaining increments expected to occur in 2019 and 2020.”
Click here to learn more about the LF Remap.
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