Major Update for America’s Inventory of Parks and Other Protected Areas: Protected Areas Database of the United States
A new version of the Protected Areas Database of the U.S. (PAD-US), has major federal, state and easement updates, an easier-to-use data structure, new web services, national-scale printable maps, and more. USGS Technical Announcement
The U.S. Geological Survey announced the release of its Protected Areas Database of the U.S. version 2.0 – a major advance toward the long-term goal of a geospatial inventory that contains every public park and other protected area in America.
PAD-US is America’s official national inventory of lands held by cities, counties, special park and open-space districts, state parks and preserves as well as national parks and forests, national wildlife refuges, public lands and more. The inventory includes more than 360,000 individual named units, managed by more than 18,000 public agencies and non-governmental organizations, totaling more than 9 billion acres of land and marine areas. It features management designations for conservation and for multiple uses such as forestry, energy, grazing and recreation.
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