NHDPlus HR Beta Completed for CONUS!
NHDPlus High Resolution (NHDPlus HR) Beta datasets are now available for CONUS, Hawaii, U.S. Territories, and parts of Alaska.
We are excited to announce that the NHDPlus High Resolution (NHDPlus HR) has been completed and is publicly available for all of CONUS! It is also available for Hawaii, the U.S. Territories, and parts of Alaska.
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this exciting advancement, from the staff at the National Geospatial Technical Operations Center, to the Stewards who have worked to improve the data for decades, to the many users who participated in the Beta QC/Review process.
Our next steps are to continue to work on updates to NHD and WBD in Alaska in support of NHDPlus HR Beta production in the state. We also will begin to update some of the CONUS NHDPlus HR Beta datasets to correct errors and utilize improvements made to the NHD and WBD since the Beta data was produced. We are still working to determine those areas, but will let you know which they are as soon as we have them chosen.
Again, thank you!
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