NOROCK EcoLunch is a forum for students, researchers, visiting scientists and collaborators in the environmental sciences to present their current and past work. Presentations will range from brown bag discussions of ongoing projects to more formal seminar presentations.
Date: Tuesday, May 14
Time: 12 p.m. Mountain Time
Presenter: Suzanna Soileau, Outreach Coordinator, USGS Ecosystems Mission Area
Title: “Why is USGS doing that!?” – Biology in the Geological Survey
Abstract: Within the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the Ecosystems Mission Area (EMA) is the biological research arm of the U.S. Department of the Interior, providing science that better enables society to understand how and why ecosystems change. As a non-regulatory, non-policy making government agency it is this objective science that supports the conservation and management of the Nation’s fish and wildlife, and the landscapes they inhabit. But, it can be hard to stand out within the legacy and branding of the nation’s oldest science agency, established in 1879 to “classify public lands and examine the geological structure, mineral resources, and products of the nation’s lands.” In this talk we will briefly explore the history of EMA in USGS and take a deeper dive into the Mission Area and the biological and ecological science it produces across the U.S.
Location: First Floor Conference Room, "Madison Room", 2327 University Way, Suite 2. (Click HERE for directions)
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