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North Central and Southwest CASCs Participates in 2020 National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference

Members of the North Central and Southwest CASC attended and facilitated several innovative trainings and working groups at the conference. 

Arapaho National Forest
Arapaho National Forest taken by Alan Cressler.

Read the original news stories posted by the North Central CASC here, Southwest CASC here and Southeast CASC here

The fall 2020 National Tribal and Indigenous Climate Conference (NTICC), hosted by the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP), was the first ever national climate conference for Indigenous people. The NTICC convened experts on climate change and focused on both Traditional Indigenous Knowledges and Western Science. Researchers and staff from the North Central, Southwest, and Southeast CASCs were among the over 2,500 registered attendees.

The North Central CASC USGS Deputy Director Aparana Bamzai-Dodson, Research Coordinator Alisa Wade, James Rattling Leaf Sr., and Tribal Resilience Liaison Stefan Tangen participated in and led sessions at the week-long conference covering a range of topics from water to emergency management and renewable energy.

The Southwest CASC Tribal Liaison ALthea Walker led a session that brought together the Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASCs), the Bureau of Indian Affairs Tribal Resilience Program, and partnering tribal organizations that support the BIA Tribal Resilience Liaisons at each of the regional CASCs. The session allowed for an in depth discussion of how to navigate tribal climate adaptation support across Indian Country.   

The Southeast CASC Deputy Director, Ryan Boyles led a presentation on "How to Use Climate Model Projections". Boyles and others CASC staff participated in the "Navigating the Climate Adaptation Science Centers: A National Network of Climate Adaptation Support for Tribes (Working Group)" session.

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