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Photo and Video Chronology - Kīlauea - January 7, 2003

January 7, 2003

Lava on Paliuli

cascade of partly incandescent flow
Overview of part of Paliuli, showing cascade featured in following images in context with broad, partly incandescent flow at brink of pali. More incandescence in this wide flow occurs left of image. Fume high on Pulama pali comes from tube system. Faint incandescence near edge of flow field along right side of image is in east arm of Mother's Day flow above Paliuli. Height of Paliuli here is about 15 m.
Narrow stream pouring down Paliuli in channel.
Narrow stream pouring down Paliuli in channel. This streams ends in sluggish rubble and toes shown in following images and in video clips for this date. Length of stream in image is about 20 m.
Lava gushes from under crust near end of channel shown above.
Lava gushes from under crust near end of channel shown above. Width of view, 50-75 cm.


Bulging toe, with stretched and deformed bubbles
Bulging toe, with stretched and deformed bubbles, near end of channel shown above. Width of view, 50-75 cm.
Lava oozing from inside mostly crusted front
Lava oozing from inside mostly crusted front of channeled stream shown above. Width of view, 50-75 cm.
Slabby front of stream shown above. Lava pushes plates of crust
Slabby front of stream shown above. Lava pushes plates of crust to advance flow front. Width of view, 2-3 meters



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