SAFRR Contributes to Understanding of Evacuation Behaviors
SAFRR has partnered with social and behavioral scientists at the Center for Research on Environmental Decisions, Earth Institute, Columbia University (url: to create a virtual simulation system that will improve public understanding of debris flows and enable researchers to better understand how people make decisions about evacuation when a debris flow or wildfire threatens. As part of this project, CRED mails surveys to southern Californians with recent evacuation experience. To determine where to send the surveys, CRED relies on USGS volunteer James Carter, who carefully monitors local radio, web, and television for weather, fire, and evacuation updates. Carter provides the local eyes and ears needed to target participants accurately and updates his reports daily during active fires. SAFRR disaster scientist Sue Perry says "a number of SAFRR partners in emergency management, in Los Angeles, Ventura, and Orange Counties, have indicated great interest in this study and Jim Carter's careful, dedicated effort has been a great asset as we proceed." Contact: Sue Perry,
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