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December 18, 2018

The holidays are always a busy and sometimes stressful time of year: food to cook, houses to clean, trips to plan, gifts to buy, family to coordinate, the list goes on. So we completely understand that editing data for The National Map Corps might not be high on your list of priorities these days. --*Sigh*

But once the presents are unwrapped, the holiday meal has been gobbled down, and your house full of guests is starting to take on more of a "Lord of the Flies" vibe than a Norman Rockwell vibe, well, have we got an idea for you!

If you can answer 'yes' to one or more of the following questions, then we highly recommend sneaking away to find solace in the warm glow of your monitor and doing a little editing for The National Map Corps:

Globe Christmas ornament
Celebrating the world of maps. (Public domain.)

1. Is your favorite college football team losing and grandpa won't stop yelling at the TV?

2. Are all those kids that looked so sweet and innocent when they woke up early now screaming and bouncing off the walls because they've eaten more than their fair share of candy canes?

3. Has grandma cornered you to ask why you're not yet married? Or why you don't have children? Or why you don't have more children? Or why you have so many children?

4. Are your cousins cheating at the new board games they just got?

5. Did you forget (or refuse) to buy a plane ticket to visit relatives, and plan on staying in and ordering pizza over the holidays?

6. Are you stuck at home due to the latest winter storm?

7. Do you love The National Map Corps and want to ensure that the data going into The National Map is of the highest quality?

Background: TNM Corps is a citizen science program that leverages crowd sourcing techniques and volunteers to update structure data on The National Map. To reward, recognize and motivate these participants, the program awards “virtual badges” for increasing levels of structure edits and submissions.

Anyone with an interest in contributing can volunteer. It is easy to sign up and get started! All you need is access to the internet, an email address, and a willingness to learn. “How to” documentation including a comprehensive User Guide and a Quick Start Guide will have you up and editing quickly. Begin editing in your own hometown or anywhere in the U.S., Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Happy holidays from The National Map Corps team!

Status map of The National Map Corps submitted structure edits as of November 30. 2018
Status map of The National Map Corps submitted structure edits as of November 30. 2018.  (Public domain.)


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