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October 4, 2019



On September 30, 2019, the USGS Nevada Water Science Center invited stakeholders to hear the provisional results of two numerical models for the Upper and Middle Carson River Basins. This was an opportunity for stakeholders to provide comments on this work prior to publication. Review comments can be sent to Kip Allander until October 18, 2019.

Presentations on (1) the vulnerability of Carson River water supply in response to warming temperatures and (2) Assessment of the impacts of alternative water management scenarios in the Middle Carson River Basin are available for download. 

Based on feedback received during and immediately after the USGS presentations, the Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) analysis is being re-evaluated and this part of the presentation for the Upper Carson River Basin is temporarily unavailable. The re-evaluation will focus on why the MAR scenario increased  diversion flow in the Truckee Canal, and to optimize the MAR solution to ensure that there is no simulated increase in Truckee Canal Diversions. The USGS will inform stakeholders when this new analysis is complete and will provide an adequate review period for the MAR analysis at that time.


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