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Claudia Regan Takes the Helm as Director of the U.S. Geological Survey's Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center in Bozeman

August 3, 2016

New Center Director to sustain NOROCK’s tradition of productivity and partnership in generating ground-breaking science relevant to resource managers in the Northern Rocky Mountains and beyond.

Claudia Regan
Claudia Regan begins work this week as Director of the U.S. Geological Survey's Northern Rocky Mountain Water Science Center, headquartered in Bozeman.Claudia Regan, USGS, Public domain.

BOZEMAN, Mont. — Claudia Regan begins work this week as Director of the U.S. Geological Survey's Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center, headquartered in Bozeman.

“Please join me in welcoming Claudia Regan to the Center Director position at the Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center. I look forward to working with Claudia in her new role, as the Center will undoubtedly continue to grow under her keen leadership and vision,” said Rich Ferrero, Regional Director of the USGS Northwest Region.

Claudia is a vegetation ecologist with experience in forest dynamics, disturbance ecology and a variety of ecosystems of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains. For much of her career, Claudia worked at the interface between research and land management to develop science-based applications to terrestrial ecosystem restoration and species conservation challenges. Previously, she held positions with the University of Georgia, The Nature Conservancy and the USDA Forest Service, where she served as a Regional Ecologist for 15 years before joining the USGS. She holds a B.S. and M.S. in Forestry from Southern Illinois University and a Ph.D. in Ecology from Colorado State University.

As the new Center Director her focus will be to sustain NOROCK’s tradition of productivity and partnership in generating ground-breaking science relevant to resource managers in the Northern Rocky Mountains and beyond. Beyond managing the Center’s current broad science portfolio, Claudia looks forward to new collaborations and directions that will ensure that NOROCK remains at the cutting edge of meeting stakeholders’ scientific information needs.

“I am honored to work with the talented, vibrant team of scientists and support staff at NOROCK and privileged to continue public service in a scientific organization with the stature of the USGS. I look forward to expanding our partnerships and facilitating the research that is important to people, communities and conservation,” said Regan. 


The mission of the Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center is to produce and disseminate scientific information needed to manage and restore the ecosystems and associated plant and animal communities of the Northern Rockies. The Center will generate and communicate scientific information needed to address issues of critical importance to natural resource managers of the region. Additional information can be found on the Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center website.


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