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USGS Participates in USDA Highly Pathogenic (HP) Avian Influenza (AI) and Wild Birds Webinar Series

September 7, 2021

Several USGS scientists recently participated in a USDA Veterinary Services Training and Exercise Program (VSTEP) Webinar series on Highly Pathogenic (HP) Avian Influenza (AI) and Wild Birds.

The complete set of talks can be found at the VS Training and Exercise Program (VSTEP) Webinars channel.


USGS presenters include:

  • Camille Hopkins (USGS Ecosystems Mission Area) - Overview: Why HPAI is a concern for wild bird managers in North America
  • Jonathan Sleeman (USGS National Wildlife Health Center) - Brief introduction on the Global HPAI situation
  • Andy Ramey (USGS Alaska Science Center) - Dispersal of AI viruses by wild birds between East Asia and North America via Alaska
  • Hon Ip (USGS National Wildlife Health Center) - USGS Lessons Learned: 2014-2015 wild bird HPAI surveillance in the USA
  • Dan Walsh (USGS National Wildlife Health Center) - Emerging technologies for AI surveillance
  • Diann Prosser (USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center) - Wild bird movements and AI viruses - relationships at the wild-domestic bird interface


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