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Images related to Cascades Volcano Observatory.

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Station PARA at Mount Rainier
Mount Rainier's seismic and infrasound station PARA
Mount Rainier's seismic and infrasound station PARA
Mount Rainier's seismic and infrasound station PARA

Seismic and infrasound station PARA, installed October 6-8, 2020 at Mount Rainier.

Geophysicist takes notes after installing a seismometer at Mount Rainier
A geophysicist notes location of new seismometer at Mount Rainier
A geophysicist notes location of new seismometer at Mount Rainier
A geophysicist notes location of new seismometer at Mount Rainier

A geophysicist from the Cascades Volcano Observatory notes the location of a newly buried seismometer at station PARA, on Mount Rainier.

A geophysicist from the Cascades Volcano Observatory notes the location of a newly buried seismometer at station PARA, on Mount Rainier.

NAGT intern installs an infrasound array at Mount Rainier
NAGT intern installs infrasound sensors at Mount Rainier
NAGT intern installs infrasound sensors at Mount Rainier
NAGT intern installs infrasound sensors at Mount Rainier

NAGT intern Emily Bryant installs one of three infrasound sensors at volcano monitoring station PARA, at Mount Rainier.

NAGT intern Emily Bryant installs one of three infrasound sensors at volcano monitoring station PARA, at Mount Rainier.

Finishing the installation of seismic/GPS station YOCR, at Mount Hood
Finishing the installation of seismic/GPS station YOCR, at Mount Hood
Finishing the installation of seismic/GPS station YOCR, at Mount Hood
Finishing the installation of seismic/GPS station YOCR, at Mount Hood

A USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory field team finishes the installation of the combined seismic/GPS station, YOCR, at Mount Hood, Oregon.

A USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory field team finishes the installation of the combined seismic/GPS station, YOCR, at Mount Hood, Oregon.

Combined seismic/GPS station LSON on Mount Hood
Combined seismic/GPS station LSON on Mount Hood
Combined seismic/GPS station LSON on Mount Hood
Combined seismic/GPS station LSON on Mount Hood

Combined seismic/GPS station LSON, on Mount Hood, installed at the end of September 2020. LSON is one of three new stations that enhance the existing monitoring network at this high-threat volcano.

Combined seismic/GPS station LSON, on Mount Hood, installed at the end of September 2020. LSON is one of three new stations that enhance the existing monitoring network at this high-threat volcano.

4 images showing boxes of equipment with wires being put into the ground in a forest setting.
Scientists installing a lahar monitoring station.
Scientists installing a lahar monitoring station.
Scientists installing a lahar monitoring station.

Lahar monitoring equipment is housed in a secure box with multiple types of instruments to detect approaching lahars.  

Lahar monitoring equipment is housed in a secure box with multiple types of instruments to detect approaching lahars.  

Seismic/GPS station YOCR, at Mount Hood
Seismic/GPS station YOCR, at Mount Hood
Seismic/GPS station YOCR, at Mount Hood
Seismic/GPS station YOCR, at Mount Hood

A Cascades Volcano Observatory field team completes the installation of the combined seismic/GPS station YOCR, at Mount Hood.

A Cascades Volcano Observatory field team completes the installation of the combined seismic/GPS station YOCR, at Mount Hood.

GPS mast installed at station LSON, on Mount Hood
CVO geophysicist installs a GPS mast at station LSON, Mount Hood
CVO geophysicist installs a GPS mast at station LSON, Mount Hood
CVO geophysicist installs a GPS mast at station LSON, Mount Hood

USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory Geophysicist Rebecca Kramer works on the installation of the GPS mast at new station LSON, at Mount Hood. The GPS measures subtle ground deformation that can occur in response to magma entering or leaving the magma reservoir several miles below the summit.

USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory Geophysicist Rebecca Kramer works on the installation of the GPS mast at new station LSON, at Mount Hood. The GPS measures subtle ground deformation that can occur in response to magma entering or leaving the magma reservoir several miles below the summit.

Volcano monitoring station BRSP, on the north flank of Mount Hood
Volcano monitoring station BRSP, on the north flank of Mount Hood
Volcano monitoring station BRSP, on the north flank of Mount Hood
Volcano monitoring station BRSP, on the north flank of Mount Hood

View of the combined seismic/GPS station BRSP, on the north flank of Mount Hood, Oregon. Mount Hood is pictured in the distance.

View of the combined seismic/GPS station BRSP, on the north flank of Mount Hood, Oregon. Mount Hood is pictured in the distance.

Installing a seismometer at station BRSP on Mount Hood
Installing a seismometer at station BRSP on Mount Hood
Installing a seismometer at station BRSP on Mount Hood
Installing a seismometer at station BRSP on Mount Hood

Volcano Disaster Assistance Program Geophysicist Jeremy Pesicek digs a hole for a seismometer at station BRSP, on the north flank of Mount Hood. The seismometer, which detects earthquakes, is buried at a depth of at least 1 meter (3 feet).

Volcano Disaster Assistance Program Geophysicist Jeremy Pesicek digs a hole for a seismometer at station BRSP, on the north flank of Mount Hood. The seismometer, which detects earthquakes, is buried at a depth of at least 1 meter (3 feet).

Installation of GPS mast at station BRSP on Mount Hood
Installation of GPS mast at station BRSP on Mount Hood
Installation of GPS mast at station BRSP on Mount Hood
Installation of GPS mast at station BRSP on Mount Hood

USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory Geophysicist Emily Montgomery-Brown uses a drill to create a small hole in volcanic rock that will support a GPS mast. The effort was part of a three-station installation project at Mount Hood in 2020. This station location is called BRSP.

USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory Geophysicist Emily Montgomery-Brown uses a drill to create a small hole in volcanic rock that will support a GPS mast. The effort was part of a three-station installation project at Mount Hood in 2020. This station location is called BRSP.

New seismic/GPS station (LSON) installed at Mount Hood
New seismic/GPS station (LSON) installed at Mount Hood
New seismic/GPS station (LSON) installed at Mount Hood
New seismic/GPS station (LSON) installed at Mount Hood

USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory Geophysicist Wes Thelen, removes ropes from new station LSON, at Mount Hood (Mount Hood is pictured in the distance).

USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory Geophysicist Wes Thelen, removes ropes from new station LSON, at Mount Hood (Mount Hood is pictured in the distance).

Helicopter delivers equipment to station BRSP on Mount Hood
Helicopter delivers equipment to station BRSP on Mount Hood
Helicopter delivers equipment to station BRSP on Mount Hood
Helicopter delivers equipment to station BRSP on Mount Hood

A USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory field team waits on this remote north flank of Mount Hood, as a helicopter delivers supplies and equipment to station BRSP. The station was installed with minimal impact on the environment. A helicopter delivered equipment via external sling load and USGS personnel accessed the site by foot.

A USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory field team waits on this remote north flank of Mount Hood, as a helicopter delivers supplies and equipment to station BRSP. The station was installed with minimal impact on the environment. A helicopter delivered equipment via external sling load and USGS personnel accessed the site by foot.

SNIF multi-GAS station on Mount St. Helens, Washington
SNIF multi-GAS station on Mount St. Helens, Washington
SNIF multi-GAS station on Mount St. Helens, Washington
SNIF multi-GAS station on Mount St. Helens, Washington

USGS scientist Laura Clor performing maintenance on the SNIF multi-GAS station on Mount St. Helens, Washington.

Interior of SNIF multi-GAS enclosure on Mount St. Helens, Washington
interior of SNIF multi-GAS enclosure on Mount St. Helens, Washington
interior of SNIF multi-GAS enclosure on Mount St. Helens, Washington
Monitoring for volcanic gases at Newberry Volcano
A MultiGAS instrument measures gases at Newberry Volcano
A MultiGAS instrument measures gases at Newberry Volcano
A MultiGAS instrument measures gases at Newberry Volcano

Scientists use a MultiGAS instrument (gray, hard-shell case) to measure gas compositions from the East Lake hot spring in the Newberry caldera. The photo was taken on August 3, 2020 just after sunrise. The vapor above the hot spring and lake is typical for cool mornings and is not visible later in the day.

Scientists use a MultiGAS instrument (gray, hard-shell case) to measure gas compositions from the East Lake hot spring in the Newberry caldera. The photo was taken on August 3, 2020 just after sunrise. The vapor above the hot spring and lake is typical for cool mornings and is not visible later in the day.

Geophysicist works at station PR05, part of the Mount Rainier lahar detection network.
Station PR05 is part of the Mount Rainier lahar detection network.
Station PR05 is part of the Mount Rainier lahar detection network.
Station PR05 is part of the Mount Rainier lahar detection network.

USGS-Cascades Volcano Observatory geophysicist Rebecca Kramer works on station PR05, which is part of the Mount Rainier lahar detection network (Mount Rainier is pictured in the distance). The purpose of the site visit was to upgrade the power system and deploy infrasound equipment. 

USGS-Cascades Volcano Observatory geophysicist Rebecca Kramer works on station PR05, which is part of the Mount Rainier lahar detection network (Mount Rainier is pictured in the distance). The purpose of the site visit was to upgrade the power system and deploy infrasound equipment. 

Depth of earthquakes at Mount Rainier 2010 to 2019
Mount Rainier: Earthquakes in the Hydrothermal System
Mount Rainier: Earthquakes in the Hydrothermal System
Mount Rainier: Earthquakes in the Hydrothermal System

Earthquakes at Mount Rainier from 2010 to 2019. As shown in the graphic, fluids from the magmatic system beneath the volcano rise through existing cracks and weaknesses in the crust. Along with rainwater and ice/snow melt, these fluids combine to create a hydrothermal system within the volcano.

Earthquakes at Mount Rainier from 2010 to 2019. As shown in the graphic, fluids from the magmatic system beneath the volcano rise through existing cracks and weaknesses in the crust. Along with rainwater and ice/snow melt, these fluids combine to create a hydrothermal system within the volcano.

Girls stand in circle with one pointing a paper on the ground
The GeoGirls Create Field Drawings
The GeoGirls Create Field Drawings
The GeoGirls Create Field Drawings

The GeoGirls create field drawings of 1980 pyroclastic flow deposits on Mount St. Helens’ Pumice Plain.

Girls stand in stream and take measurements
GeoGirls Hike to Willow Creek
GeoGirls Hike to Willow Creek
GeoGirls Hike to Willow Creek

GeoGirls hike to Willow Creek, on Mount St. Helens’ Pumice Plain, to learn more about the ecology of the blast zone and how the area has recovered since the catastrophic May 18, 1980, eruption. Here, they look at stream characteristics and how it has influenced the return of life to the area.

GeoGirls hike to Willow Creek, on Mount St. Helens’ Pumice Plain, to learn more about the ecology of the blast zone and how the area has recovered since the catastrophic May 18, 1980, eruption. Here, they look at stream characteristics and how it has influenced the return of life to the area.

Girls standing in a large circle around a volcano monitoring station
The GeoGirls Visit a Volcano Monitoring Station at Mount St. Helens
The GeoGirls Visit a Volcano Monitoring Station at Mount St. Helens
The GeoGirls Visit a Volcano Monitoring Station at Mount St. Helens

The GeoGirls visit a volcano monitoring station on the east side of Mount St. Helens, finding out how scientists use different monitoring methods (seismic, GPS, tiltmeter) to understand more about the volcano.

The GeoGirls visit a volcano monitoring station on the east side of Mount St. Helens, finding out how scientists use different monitoring methods (seismic, GPS, tiltmeter) to understand more about the volcano.

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