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What if a USGS coauthor finds out from the non-USGS lead author that the scientific information product has been accepted by the journal and will be published more quickly than expected? [144]

Inform your supervisor, Center Director, and BAO to expedite review and approvals; BAOs may be able to move the product up in their queues. Manuscripts that will be posted online as soon as they are received by the journal should obtain Bureau approval prior to submission. To avoid these situations, discuss the USGS FSP process with coauthors before a manuscript is sent to a journal. [Read more]

To avoid these situations, it is crucial to discuss the USGS FSP process with all coauthors before a manuscript is sent to a journal. Supervisors, Center Directors, and BAOs can be informed to help in performing the review and approvals as quickly as possible; BAOs may be able to move the product up in their queues. Most importantly, however, is for all authors of the manuscript as well as journal editors to be informed of the requirement for USGS Bureau approval before publication. All journal manuscripts that will be posted online as soon as they are received by the journal should follow the approval process used in Approach 1 (see FAQ 050).