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What FSP and other requirements related to authorship of USGS scientific information products must be followed? [021]

If the author has full-time, part-time, or volunteer (including emeritus) USGS affiliation or shared affiliation; or if the author is working under a USGS grant, memorandum of understanding, or other cooperative agreement, then FSP requirements must be followed regardless of whether the information product will be published by the USGS or by an outside entity. [Read more]

If the author has full-time, part-time, or volunteer (including emeritus) USGS affiliation or shared affiliation (for example, between the USGS and a university); or if the author is working under a USGS grant, memorandum of understanding, or other cooperative agreement, then FSP requirements must be followed regardless of whether the information product will be published by the USGS or by an outside entity. Refer to SM 502.10SM 502.4, and SM 205.18 for requirements and responsibilities related to authoring USGS scientific information products. In addition, several FSP training modules are available that provide specific guidance for authors of USGS scientific information products. Additional authorship guidance related to ensuring scientific integrity is also available (refer to FAQ 036).

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