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Can Science Centers obtain additional peer reviews in excess of those minimally required by the USGS to aid in strengthening the scientific veracity of a manuscript before submitting it to a journal? [051]

Yes. Science Centers or authors may obtain any number of additional USGS-initiated peer reviews they deem necessary to strengthen the quality of a manuscript before submitting the manuscript to a journal. BAOs in the OSQI also have authority to require additional peer reviews. [Read more]

Yes and the decision to obtain additional internal or USGS-initiated/coordinated peer reviews is at the discretion of the Science Center. Science Centers or authors may obtain any number of USGS-initiated peer reviews they deem necessary to strengthen the quality of a manuscript before submitting the manuscript to a journal. BAOs in the OSQI also have authority to require additional peer reviews. Likewise, the journal may obtain additional peer reviews at their discretion. These additional peer reviews (and author reconciliation) are included as part of the IPDS record.

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