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What are the review and approval requirements for releasing scientific data to the public? [120]

Data intended for public release are subject to USGS FSP requirements including one data review and one metadata review, reconciliation, and Bureau approval by Science Center Directors or their designees. Data are never placed in the IPDS. [Read more]

Data intended for public release are subject to USGS FSP review, approval, and release requirements. These requirements include one data review and one metadata review followed by Bureau approval documented in the IPDS as described in SM 502.8. A comprehensive data review checklist is available for conducting the data review. Data are never placed in the IPDS—only the documentation of the required metadata review and data review and any necessary reconciliation are placed in the IPDS as part of the approval package. Data are approved for release by Science Center Directors or their designees. USGS scientific data are considered noninterpretive; however, the scholarly publications associated with the data that describe the process used to create data, if interpretive and previously unpublished, must be peer reviewed and are approved by BAOs in the OSQI (refer to SM 205.18). Additional information about USGS scientific data is available at Distinctions between New Research or Interpretive Information Products, Previously Published or Noninterpretive Information Products, and Scientific Data. Science Center Director responsibilities for ensuring IPDS and FSP compliance and approval authorities are outlined in the USGS FSP Training Module entitled USGS FSP Science Center Director Responsibilities. A short training module on Release of USGS Scientific Data explaining data release requirements is available.

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