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What is the FSP policy for abstracts? [164]

Abstracts may be for scientific conference or meeting sessions or they can be extended abstracts. Science Center Director determines need for peer review of short abstracts and grants Bureau approval. Extended abstracts have the same approval requirements as journal articles and require approval by an OSQI Bureau Approving Official. Abstracts must be tracked in the IPDS. [Read more]

It is important to note that USGS abstracts generally fall into two categories: they can be “placeholders” for scientific conference or meeting sessions or they can be “extended” abstracts that are multipage, summarize scientific studies, results, and principal conclusions, or contain new interpretive scientific information, figures, and tables. The Science Center Director determines the need for peer review of abstracts that contain new interpretive content, that is, peer review of abstracts is at the discretion of the Science Center Director. The Science Center Director determines what constitutes an extended abstract, extended abstracts have the same approval requirements as journal articles and require approval by a Bureau Approving Official in the Office of Scientific Quality and Integrity. For all other abstracts, regardless of the content (new interpretive or previously published material), Bureau approval is granted by the Science Center Director. Additionally, all abstracts must be tracked, and approval documented in the IPDS. Also refer to a diagram showing review and approval for abstracts, SM 205.18, and SM 502.3. An FSP training module that provides additional guidance on the requirements for abstracts is available.