Pennsylvania Waters - Summer 2022 - Issue 8
News and new products from USGS in Pennsylvania include notification of streamgage datum updates, commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Hurricane Agnes, a new data portal for the state groundwater-quality network, Pennsylvania and Landsat factsheet, new flood-flow statistics, contributions to the Pennsylvania Groundwater Symposium, and more.
Updating Pennsylvania Streamgage Datums
Notification of Intent to Update Streamgage Datums
USGS is updating streamgage datums to reflect elevations in North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88).
50th Anniversary of Hurricane Agnes
“Beginning on June 18, 1972, the remains of Hurricane Agnes produced floods in the Eastern United States from Virginia to New York that killed 128 people in what has been called the worst disaster in American history.” (USGS PP 924, Hurricane Agnes rainfall and floods, June-July 1972, 1975)
We mark the 50th anniversary of this historic flood event in cooperation with the Silver Jackets.
USGS Releases the Pennsylvania Groundwater Quality Monitoring Network Data Exploration Tool
New “Pennsylvania Groundwater Quality Monitoring Network Data Exploration Tool” displays monitoring results on an interactive map.
Pennsylvania and Landsat
The Landsat Program’s unparalleled 50-year archive of repeat Earth observations remains a critical public resource for Pennsylvania as climate change and land use patterns present new challenges to land managers and urban planners in the Keystone State.
USGS-derived 1-percent Annual Exceedance Probability Flood-Flow Estimates at Flood Insurance Study Locations Across Pennsylvania
One-percent annual exceedance probability (AEP) flood-flow estimates were computed at flood insurance study (FIS) locations across Pennsylvania using methods identified in Scientific Investigation Report (SIR) 2019-5094. Following guidance outlined in SIR 2016-5149, valid statistical reaches (VSRs) were identified for streamgages, which were used to assist with the determination of the applicable
USGS at the Pennsylvania Groundwater Symposium
Penn State Extension and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, along with numerous other sponsors, hosted the annual Pennsylvania Groundwater Symposium.
USGS scientists presented recent research and data delivery results at the 2022 Pennsylvania Groundwater Symposium (Virtual) on May 5, 2022.
Effects of return flows on stream water quality and availability in the Upper Colorado, Delaware, and Illinois River Basins
Understanding effects of human water use and subsequent return flows on the availability and suitability of water for downstream uses is critical to efficient and effective watershed management. We compared spatially detailed estimates of stream chemistry within three watersheds in diverse settings to available standards to isolate effects of wastewater and irrigation return flows on the suitabili
TNMCorps Mapping Challenge Summary Results for City / Town Halls in New York, New Jersey, & Pennsylvania
Summary statistics are now available for this challenge. Thanks again to everyone who contributed!