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High-Water Mark Survey of July 10, 2018, Flood at I-10 Frontage Rd at Twin Peaks Rd, Marana, AZ

A train derailment occurred in Marana, Arizona, on July 10, 2018. Runoff from a severe thunderstorm was flowing over the tracks at the time and may have contributed to the derailment. At the request of the Pima County Regional Flood Control District, USGS collected high-water marks for the flood event upstream from the derailment area.

Geospatial Data for Object-Based High-Resolution Classification of Conifers within Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat across Nevada and a Portion of Northeastern California (ver. 2.0, July 2018)

These products were developed to provide scientific and correspondingly spatially explicit information regarding the distribution and abundance of conifers (namely, singleleaf pinyon (Pinus monophylla), Utah juniper (Juniperus osteosperma), and western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis)) in Nevada and portions of northeastern California. Encroachment of these trees into sagebrush...

Geomorphic, climate, streamflow and vegetation data sets to reconstruct channel and vegetation changes associated with the invasion of Russian olive along the Escalante River, Utah 1950-2015.

We analyzed historical aerial photography and used dendrochronology to quantify long-term spatial and temporal patterns of narrowing and vegetation expansion, including native cottonwood (Populus fremontii) and non-native Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia), along the largely unregulated Escalante River in Utah, USA. Our general study area was between the town of Escalante and...

Water and petroleum well data used for preliminary regional groundwater salinity mapping near selected oil fields in central and southern California

This digital data set contains total dissolved solids (either reported or calculated from specific conductance in lieu of reported total dissolved solids data), well construction, and well identifying information for 1,131 petroleum wells and 3,546 water wells used to map salinity in and around 31 southern and central California oil fields. The data set also includes ancillary data in...

Molecular and morphological data on two species complexes in the freshwater mussel genus Cyclonaias

We examined species boundaries within an imperiled group of freshwater mussels in the genus Cyclonaias (Bivalvia: Unionidae) using morphometrics, molecular phylogenetics, and multispecies coalescent models to help guide pending conservation assessments and legislative decisions. Congruence across all lines of evidence indicated that current taxonomy overestimates diversity in the C...

Geochemical data supporting analysis of geochemical conditions and nitrogen transport in nearshore groundwater and the subterranean estuary at a Cape Cod embayment, East Falmouth, Massachusetts

This data release provides analytical and other data in support of an analysis of nitrogen transport and transformation in groundwater and in a subterranean estuary in the Eel River and onshore locations on the Seacoast Shores peninsula, Falmouth, Massachusetts. The analysis is described in U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018-5095 by Colman and others (2018)...

Novel protocol for moose DNA extraction from Tempus blood tube supernatant following RNA extraction

Data were collected to validate the use of supernatant from the isolation of RNA from Tempus blood RNA tubes to obtain genomic DNA in the associated blood sample from moose. Data represent the metrics measured to validate the novel technique for isolating DNA from the supernatant of an RNA isolation protocol using blood collected into Tempus blood RNA tubes.

Code, data, executables, and other information used to run Unit Flows in Networks of Channels (UFINCH) - A method for simulating unit and daily flows in networks of channels described by NHDPlus using continuous flow data at U.S. Geological Survey streamg

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release contains the code, data, executables, and other information necessary to run the application Unit Flows in Networks of Channels (UFINCH). The UFINCH application is a computer code that utilizes the geospatial stream connectivity and catchment geometry described in National Hydrography Dataset Plus value added attributes (NHDPlus Version 2)...

Woody riparian invasive plant presence, stem density, and rank dominance and environmental conditions in 2012 at 238 bridge crossings in the Colorado Headwaters, upper/middle Rio Grande, upper Arkansas, and South Platte River Basins, USA

This dataset presents observations and measurements of riparian plant invasion, community composition, and environmental conditions at 238 bridge crossings in four western USA river basins: the Colorado Headwaters, upper/middle Rio Grande, upper Arkansas River, and South Platte River (281,946 square kilometers). The 238 sites are a stratified random sample of all bridge crossings in the...

Effect of pore fluid chemistry on the sedimentation and compression behavior of pure, endmember fines

The safety, effectiveness and longevity of many construction and geotechnical engineering projects rely on correctly accounting for the evolution of soil properties over time. Critical sediment properties, such as compressibility, can change in response to pore-fluid chemistry changes, particularly if the sediment contains appreciable concentrations of fine-grained materials. Pore-fluid...

Water chemistry data for samples collected at groundwater sites near the Fruitvale oil field, September 2016-February 2017, Kern County, California

As part of the California State Water Resources Control Board's Regional Groundwater Monitoring Program of Water Quality in Areas of Oil and Gas Production, during September 2016-February 2017, the U.S. Geological Survey collected and analyzed groundwater and associated quality-control (QC) samples from 14 water-production wells located within a three mile buffer zone of and in the...

Annual estimates of suspended-sediment concentration and load to support trend analysis on the Mississippi River and Atchafalaya River, 1980-2015

This data release contains annual estimates of suspended-sediment concentration and load for the Mississippi River, St. Francisville site and the Atchafalaya River, Melville site from 1980-2015. Annual estimates and flow-normalized estimates were generated using the Weighted Regressions on Time, Season and Discharge (WRTDS) model. Input data for the model included suspended-sediment...
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