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Daily baseflow discharge and daily stream and baseflow total dissolved solids (TDS) loads for selected locations in the Upper Colorado River Basin for water years 1986 – 2020

This data release contains measured stream discharge and total dissolved solids (TDS) data and estimated values for daily stream TDS loads, daily baseflow discharge, and daily baseflow TDS loads for 205 locations in the Upper Colorado River Basin. The estimated values, which represent conditions between 10/1/1985 and 9/30/2020, were obtained using the Weighted Regressions on Time...

USGS Geochron: Data Compilation Templates

USGS Geochron is a database of geochronological and thermochronological dates and data. The USGS Geochron: Data Compilation Templates data release hosts Microsoft Excel-based data compilation templates for the USGS Geochron database. Geochronological and thermochronological methods currently archived in the USGS Geochron database include radiocarbon, cosmogenic (10Be, 26Al, 3He), fission...

Water Surface Elevation Data from the Siletz River, 2017-18

Water-surface elevations were recorded by 12 submerged pressure transducers deployed from fall 2017 to summer 2018 along an approximately 25-km reach of the Siletz River, Oregon. All pressure transducers were deployed in the main channel of the Siletz River. The water-surface elevations were surveyed by using a real-time kinematic global positioning system (RTK-GPS) at each pressure...

Total mercury and methylmercury concentrations in biota from the Hells Canyon Reservoir Complex on the Snake River, Idaho and Oregon, USA

Comma-separated values (.csv) file containing data related to mercury in biota collected from the Hells Canyon Reservoir Complex on the Snake River, Idaho and Oregon.

Laboratory optical measurements to assess long-term changes in water-extractable soil organic matter, U.S. Great Plains

Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) extracted from soil with water are associated with available plant nutrients and microbial activity, but information about how C and N have changed over time in the U.S. Great Plains is sparse. Optical measurements of absorbance and fluorescence were used to compare dissolved organic matter (DOM) extracted from historic (1947) and contemporary (2018) soil...

Georgia active streamgages with attributes and their upstream drainage basins, 2024

In cooperation with the Georgia Department of Transportation, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has prepared geospatial layers representing the locations of USGS streamgages, other weather monitoring locations, and upstream drainage basins of streamgages in the State of Georgia. These layers also include streamgages in nearby states which directly measure waters within Georgia. The...

Surface Water Index of Permanence (SWIPe) for the upper Missouri River basin, 1989-2021

With the Surface-Water Index of Permanence (SWIPe) we provide a standardized metric for describing one- to five-year anomalies of the annual minimum surface-water extent of streams and wetlands for multiple spatial scales including basin (4-digit hydrologic unit codes [HUCs]) to subwatersheds (12-digit HUCs). Drier conditions are represented by negative SWIPE values that range from 0 to...

Records of vessel-Florida manatee collision outcomes and empirical boat speeds in Florida waters, 1978 - 2014

The dataset contains observational records detailing collisions between boats and Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris). Data include boat speeds, collision locations, and manatee injury outcomes, and are intended for ecological analysis and conservation purposes.

Shoreline Change of Western Long Island, New York from Satellite Derived Shorelines

This data release contains tidally corrected shoreline positions for three sites of western Long Island, NY (Rockaway Peninsula, Long Beach, and Jones Beach Island). Both CSV files of tidally corrected shorelines and GeoJSON files of the region of interests (ROIs), transects, and reference shorelines are provided within respective zip files. Both file types are derived from CoastSeg v1.1...

2021 Potomac River Phase II Topobathymetric Lidar Validation - USGS Field Survey Data

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists conducted field data collection efforts between September 30th and October 9th, 2021 over a large stretch of the Potomac River in Maryland and West Virginia using high accuracy surveying technologies. The work was initiated as an effort to validate commercially acquired topobathymetric light detection and ranging (lidar) data that was collected...

East Sabine Lake Hydrologic Restoration (CS-32): 2021 land-water classification

The Louisiana State Legislature created Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) in order to conserve, restore, create and enhance Louisiana's coastal wetlands. The wetland restoration plans developed pursuant to these acts specifically require an evaluation of the effectiveness of each coastal wetlands restoration project in achieving long-term solutions to...

Precipitation, river surface velocity, and river stage measurements within the Spring Creek Burn Scar, Colorado, USA, during select storms in 2019 and 2021

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) installed and operated several flood and debris flow warning gages within or downstream from the Spring Creek burn scar, Colorado, U.S.A. The warning gages were operated during several years post fire (2019-21) in cooperation with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). The USGS warning gages were part of a larger post-wildfire...
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