USGS Climate Adaptation Postdoctoral Fellows Program Soon Hiring New Cohort of Researchers to Explore the Future of Species Range Shifts
The Climate Adaptation Postdoctoral (CAP) Fellows Program will soon be hiring nine postdoctoral researchers to make up the 2025-2027 Future of Species Range Shifts cohort. Current postdocs and Ph.D. students nearing graduation who are interested in the nexus of climate change, range shifts, and applied, management-focused science are encouraged to apply.
The CAP Fellows Program is a one-of-a-kind research opportunity that brings together postdoctoral scholars from around the country to conduct applied research on climate change impacts to fish, wildlife, and ecosystems. Hosted by the USGS Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASCs), each two-year cohort is centered around a common climate theme. Fellows work with mentors from regional CASCs to conduct independent research related to the theme, focusing on the management challenges experienced by resource stewards in those regions.
The 2025-2027 Future of Species Range Shift cohort will explore how climate change is driving changes in species’ geographic distributions through range shifts and identify implications for natural resource management objectives and ecosystem services.
While leading their own research projects, CAP fellows also work with each other to create a national synthesis product that explores wide-scale implications of the theme. Just as each region is unique, each fellow brings their unique background and experience to the synthesis effort, creating a final product that is more than any one researcher could have made on their own.
“It’s been this beautiful opportunity to see people really intentionally making space for each other, and it models the type of [collaborative] science that I find really encouraging,” says Megan Behnke, a former CAP fellow with the Future of Aquatic Flows cohort. “Being a postdoc can be very lonely, so it’s been lovely to become part of this cohort of people who care about water from all these different perspectives.”
Fellows also come together twice a year for workshops to develop their national synthesis product and to undergo professional development training. USGS and university staff provide trainings on topics such as how to work with stakeholders and interdisciplinary collaboration.
For the upcoming cohort, each postdoctoral position will be hosted by an affiliated CASC university. As such, positions will be announced through the hosting university and will have their own timeline depending on internal university mechanisms. Sign up to our email list to be notified when each position begins accepting applications. Applicants may apply to more than one position.
Learn more about the CAP Fellows Program and the upcoming Future of Species Range Shift cohort.
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