Fellow Project: Climate Change Communication in Missouri State Parks and Historic Sites
Learn about the research of Tunde Ojewola, a 2017 Science to Action Fellow.

Fellow Information
- Tunde Ojewola, University of Missouri-Columbia
- Fellowship: 2017 Science to Action Fellow
- Mentor: Zeenatul Basher, National CASC
Project Summary
The impact of climate change on natural resources ranges form habitat degradation to an ongoing alteration in the structure and functioning of the ecosystems. Federal agencies such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) are responsible for the management of fish, wildlife, and natural habitats. FWS managers play an important role in not only planning for and responding to climate change impact on these natural resources, but also providing information to private groups and other stakeholders. This project will examine FWS managers’ perceptions, knowledge of, and attitudes toward climate change in the Midwest. Understanding managers perceptions of climate change are important determinants of environmental decision-making behavior, policy formation, and communication. Tunde will also develop a decision-support tool and story maps describing climate change impacts on fish and wildlife within the region. These tools can be used by FWS managers to educate stakeholders about the changing landscape.
Learn about the research of Tunde Ojewola, a 2017 Science to Action Fellow.

Fellow Information
- Tunde Ojewola, University of Missouri-Columbia
- Fellowship: 2017 Science to Action Fellow
- Mentor: Zeenatul Basher, National CASC
Project Summary
The impact of climate change on natural resources ranges form habitat degradation to an ongoing alteration in the structure and functioning of the ecosystems. Federal agencies such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) are responsible for the management of fish, wildlife, and natural habitats. FWS managers play an important role in not only planning for and responding to climate change impact on these natural resources, but also providing information to private groups and other stakeholders. This project will examine FWS managers’ perceptions, knowledge of, and attitudes toward climate change in the Midwest. Understanding managers perceptions of climate change are important determinants of environmental decision-making behavior, policy formation, and communication. Tunde will also develop a decision-support tool and story maps describing climate change impacts on fish and wildlife within the region. These tools can be used by FWS managers to educate stakeholders about the changing landscape.