Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center Consortium - Hosted by University of Hawai‘i, Mānoa (2019-2024)
The Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center (PI CASC) supports sustainability and climate adaptation in communities across the Pacific Islands by providing natural and cultural resource managers with access to actionable science specific to the region. PI CASC is hosted by the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (UHM) with consortium partners at the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo (UHH) and the University of Guam (UOG). During the period of 2019 - 2024, the PI CASC consortium will strive to i) build resiliency and sustainability in ecosystems and communities to climate change impacts; ii) strive to develop the best actionable climate science, while maintaining a non-advocacy stance; and iii) apply the elements of co-production by emphasizing partnerships with natural resource agencies and local community networks to meet stakeholder-identified needs and help vulnerable areas develop resiliency; iv) build awareness of PI CASC as an important regional resource for climate information, tools, collaborative network connections, and funding opportunities, by supporting and developing long-term trust in our people, process, and products; v) build capacity for the future through support of quality students and new technology development. These overarching themes will help address seven focus areas: water resources, native species, coastal hazards and adaptations, forest management, adaptation and management, climate prediction/testing, and adaptation in low islands/atolls. These themes and focus areas highlight the cooperative efforts between researchers and managers that PI CASC strives for in order to create actionable science and provide access to products for climate change impacts.
Each CASC is a formal collaboration between the USGS, a regional host university, and a multi-institution partner consortium. Through this agreement, the host and consortium institutions undertake a number of activities, including conducting research science projects, supporting fellows, and engaging with resource management partners. To learn more about the work of the Pacific Islands CASC, visit:
- Source: USGS Sciencebase (id: 600a4cfcd34e162231fb2635)
The Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center (PI CASC) supports sustainability and climate adaptation in communities across the Pacific Islands by providing natural and cultural resource managers with access to actionable science specific to the region. PI CASC is hosted by the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (UHM) with consortium partners at the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo (UHH) and the University of Guam (UOG). During the period of 2019 - 2024, the PI CASC consortium will strive to i) build resiliency and sustainability in ecosystems and communities to climate change impacts; ii) strive to develop the best actionable climate science, while maintaining a non-advocacy stance; and iii) apply the elements of co-production by emphasizing partnerships with natural resource agencies and local community networks to meet stakeholder-identified needs and help vulnerable areas develop resiliency; iv) build awareness of PI CASC as an important regional resource for climate information, tools, collaborative network connections, and funding opportunities, by supporting and developing long-term trust in our people, process, and products; v) build capacity for the future through support of quality students and new technology development. These overarching themes will help address seven focus areas: water resources, native species, coastal hazards and adaptations, forest management, adaptation and management, climate prediction/testing, and adaptation in low islands/atolls. These themes and focus areas highlight the cooperative efforts between researchers and managers that PI CASC strives for in order to create actionable science and provide access to products for climate change impacts.
Each CASC is a formal collaboration between the USGS, a regional host university, and a multi-institution partner consortium. Through this agreement, the host and consortium institutions undertake a number of activities, including conducting research science projects, supporting fellows, and engaging with resource management partners. To learn more about the work of the Pacific Islands CASC, visit:
- Source: USGS Sciencebase (id: 600a4cfcd34e162231fb2635)