Photo Roundup: July-October 2023
A selection of coastal and ocean videos and photographs from across the USGS.
Bleached Elkhorn coral in Dry Tortugas National Park
A team from the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center and the National Park Service conducted emergency fieldwork to protect corals during the ongoing Florida coral-bleaching event.
Hurricane Lee Coastal Response
In preparation for Hurricane Lee, scientists at the USGS deployed sensors and surveyed the U.S. Northeast coast to monitor the impacts of the storm. Monitoring hurricane impacts helps us better understand how coastal landscapes change in response to storms and allows us to validate models that forecast the dynamics of coastal storm impacts.
Science of Surfing
Join USGS Research Geologist and lifelong surfer Jon Warrick at the Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center Santa Cruz as he discusses how coastal and ocean geoscience contributes to a better understanding of how waves form and behave as they approach the shore—critical information with a broad range of applications, not least of which is surfing!
August 2023 Bering Land Bridge Expedition
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