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NGGDPP 2016 State Geological Survey Grants

Access state, institution, title, and funding amount.


State Institution Title  Funding Amount
AL Geological Survey of Alabama Metadata Creation for the Geological Survey of Alabama Fossil Collection $10,209.00
AK State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Alaska Inventory, Metadata, and Archiving Infrastructure for Geologic Field Photo Collections, Part II $44,440.00
AR Arkansas Geological Survey Arkansas Geological Survey FY2016 Historic Document Preservation Project $11,493.50
CO Colorado Geological Survey Colorado Geological Survey Geological Data Preservation $20,915.00
ID Idaho Geological Survey USGS Data Preservation 9 $30,359.00
IL Illinois State Geological Survey Preservation of Geologic Data and Collections in Illinois: Compilation, Documentation, and Planning FY16 $31,112.00
IA Iowa Geological Survey GeoCore: Encapsulating the Iowa Geological Survey’s Core Samples in a Web Application $33,969.00
KS Kansas Geological Survey Kansas Oil, Gas, and Water Well Geologic Data, Records, and Samples Preservation and Inventory of Aerial Photographs, FY2016 $64,599.00
KY Kentucky Geological Survey Kentucky Geological Survey FY2016 Geologic Data Preservation Project $79,472.00
ME Maine Geological Survey Maine Geological Survey Digital Accessibility Initiative $20,775.87
MD Maryland Geological Survey Creating/Updating Digital Infrastructure and Rescuing Data for MGS’s Collection of Aerial Photographs and Creating an Internal Database and Detailed Metadata for the MGS Rock Core Collection $61,726.14
MI Michigan Geological Survey Michigan Geological Survey 2016 Data Preservation Program: Preserving and Inventorying Core Collections from Southeastern Michigan $37,289.00
MO Missouri Department of Natural Resources Missouri Geological Survey Subject Inventory, Metadata Generation and Digital Scanning of 430 Original Field Notebooks in Collection $41,930.00
MT Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology MBMG FY 16 Geologic and Geophysical Data Preservation Project: The Crystal Mountain Fluorite Mine Collection, Ravalli County, Montana $49,222.00
NV Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Nevada Collection Inventory and Metadata for the National Catalog 2016 $32,262.00
NJ New Jersey Geological and Water Survey 2016 NJGWS Geoscientific Data Preservation Project $40,000.00
TN Tennessee Geological Survey Generating Metadata Records and/or Digitizing Documents in the Mineral Resources Collection, Coal Geology Collection, and Tennessee Valley Authority Reports Collection $30,057.00
TX University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology Two Scanning Projects: Conversion of Film Negatives to Scanned Images and Conversion of Index Cards describing Geologic Sample Collection Metadata to Digital Files: Providing Data and Metadata to BEG Database and National Digital Catalog $32,376.38
UT Utah Geological Survey UGS FY2016 Geologic Data Preservation Project $60,000.09
VA Virginia Department of Mines,Minerals and Energy –Division of Geology and Mineral Resources Preservation of Photographic Transparencies $24,766.03
WV West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey Continued Implementation of Barcode Recognition Technology for Enhanced Inventory and Curation of WVGES Rock Core and Well Cuttings Collections $21,138.40
WI Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey University of Wisconsin- Extension Lake Superior Legacy Collection FY2016 — Acquisition to Access $36,810.00
  Total $814,921.41

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