NGGDPP 2016 State Geological Survey Grants
Access state, institution, title, and funding amount.
State | Institution | Title | Funding Amount |
AL | Geological Survey of Alabama | Metadata Creation for the Geological Survey of Alabama Fossil Collection | $10,209.00 |
AK | State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys | Alaska Inventory, Metadata, and Archiving Infrastructure for Geologic Field Photo Collections, Part II | $44,440.00 |
AR | Arkansas Geological Survey | Arkansas Geological Survey FY2016 Historic Document Preservation Project | $11,493.50 |
CO | Colorado Geological Survey | Colorado Geological Survey Geological Data Preservation | $20,915.00 |
ID | Idaho Geological Survey | USGS Data Preservation 9 | $30,359.00 |
IL | Illinois State Geological Survey | Preservation of Geologic Data and Collections in Illinois: Compilation, Documentation, and Planning FY16 | $31,112.00 |
IA | Iowa Geological Survey | GeoCore: Encapsulating the Iowa Geological Survey’s Core Samples in a Web Application | $33,969.00 |
KS | Kansas Geological Survey | Kansas Oil, Gas, and Water Well Geologic Data, Records, and Samples Preservation and Inventory of Aerial Photographs, FY2016 | $64,599.00 |
KY | Kentucky Geological Survey | Kentucky Geological Survey FY2016 Geologic Data Preservation Project | $79,472.00 |
ME | Maine Geological Survey | Maine Geological Survey Digital Accessibility Initiative | $20,775.87 |
MD | Maryland Geological Survey | Creating/Updating Digital Infrastructure and Rescuing Data for MGS’s Collection of Aerial Photographs and Creating an Internal Database and Detailed Metadata for the MGS Rock Core Collection | $61,726.14 |
MI | Michigan Geological Survey | Michigan Geological Survey 2016 Data Preservation Program: Preserving and Inventorying Core Collections from Southeastern Michigan | $37,289.00 |
MO | Missouri Department of Natural Resources Missouri Geological Survey | Subject Inventory, Metadata Generation and Digital Scanning of 430 Original Field Notebooks in Collection | $41,930.00 |
MT | Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology | MBMG FY 16 Geologic and Geophysical Data Preservation Project: The Crystal Mountain Fluorite Mine Collection, Ravalli County, Montana | $49,222.00 |
NV | Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology | Nevada Collection Inventory and Metadata for the National Catalog 2016 | $32,262.00 |
NJ | New Jersey Geological and Water Survey | 2016 NJGWS Geoscientific Data Preservation Project | $40,000.00 |
TN | Tennessee Geological Survey | Generating Metadata Records and/or Digitizing Documents in the Mineral Resources Collection, Coal Geology Collection, and Tennessee Valley Authority Reports Collection | $30,057.00 |
TX | University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology | Two Scanning Projects: Conversion of Film Negatives to Scanned Images and Conversion of Index Cards describing Geologic Sample Collection Metadata to Digital Files: Providing Data and Metadata to BEG Database and National Digital Catalog | $32,376.38 |
UT | Utah Geological Survey | UGS FY2016 Geologic Data Preservation Project | $60,000.09 |
VA | Virginia Department of Mines,Minerals and Energy –Division of Geology and Mineral Resources | Preservation of Photographic Transparencies | $24,766.03 |
WV | West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey | Continued Implementation of Barcode Recognition Technology for Enhanced Inventory and Curation of WVGES Rock Core and Well Cuttings Collections | $21,138.40 |
WI | Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey University of Wisconsin- Extension | Lake Superior Legacy Collection FY2016 — Acquisition to Access | $36,810.00 |
Total | $814,921.41 |