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Gifts and Exchange

Program established in 1879 as part of the founding legislation of the USGS, requiried 3,000 copies of reports and 500 copies of  maps be published for scientific exchanges …and all materials received through exchange become the property of the library (US Code, Title 43, Chapter 2, Section 41-42).  As much as 40% of the USGS Library's journal collection has been built through exchanges.

Gift Program

Interested in donating items to the Library?

The consolidation of the USGS space and the smaller footprint of the Library facilities has reduced the overall space available for library collections, and resulted in the need for thoughtful decisions regarding the offers of gifts and collection donations that we receive. As a result, we ask that anyone interested in donating items to the library review the general gifts and donations guidelines below, and contact the designated staff at each location before bringing materials to the library.

The USGS Library welcomes donations of the following:

  • Items which fill identified gaps in library collections
  • USGS Open File Reports not currently cataloged in the collections
  • Field trip guidebooks
  • Field records and photographs (holdings maintained at the Denver Library)
  • Dissertations and theses
  • Conference proceedings
  • Landmark works missing from the Libray's collection

We do not accept the following:

  • Items you want returned if we do not add them to the collection
  • Old books and maps (except landmark works mentioned above)
  • Out of scope journals
  • Textbooks
  • Back issues of common geoscience journals
  • Training materials & handbooks
  • Computer / software materials
  • Dictionaries and Thesauri

We regret that the USGS Library can not return items that are given to the library but are not added to the collections. The library is responsible for a final decision regarding what is accepted and kept.

The USGS Library is unable to place a cash value on gifts for tax purposes. We can provide a receipt acknowledging the donor's gift.

The USGS Library appreciates your interest and cooperation.

Exchange Program

The Exchange Program has changed significantly since the advent of electronic publishing. All current USGS publications are now available online. The USGS Publications Warehouse provides access to current online publications at the following URL:

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