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A geologic approach to field methods in fluvial geomorphology

January 1, 2014

A geologic approach to field methods in fluvial geomorphology is useful for understanding causes and consequences of past, present, and possible future perturbations in river behavior and floodplain dynamics. Field methods include characterizing river planform and morphology changes and floodplain sedimentary sequences over long periods of time along a longitudinal river continuum. Techniques include topographic and bathymetric surveying of fluvial landforms in valley bottoms and describing floodplain sedimentary sequences through coring, trenching, and examining pits and exposures. Historical sediment budgets that include floodplain sedimentary records can characterize past and present sources and sinks of sediment along a longitudinal river continuum. Describing paleochannels and floodplain vertical accretion deposits, estimating long-term sedimentation rates, and constructing historical sediment budgets can assist in management of aquatic resources, habitat, sedimentation, and flooding issues.

Publication Year 2014
Title A geologic approach to field methods in fluvial geomorphology
DOI 10.1016/B978-0-444-63402-3.00012-1
Authors Faith A. Fitzpatrick
Publication Type Book Chapter
Publication Subtype Book Chapter
Series Title Developments in Earth Surface Processes
Index ID 70135095
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Wisconsin Water Science Center
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